Convened Session at EuCAP 2020
18 may 2020
Despite going fully on-line, SyMat mantained the convened session organized at EuCAP. Chairmens of the sessions were Prof. Francisco Mesa (University of Seville, Spain), Prof. Guido Valerio (Sorbonne Université, France), and Prof. Pablo Padilla (University of Granada, Spain).
The twelve papers submitted and presented at the session are available in the reserved area of the SyMat website.
Best Paper in Electromagnetics at EuCAP 2020
A paper on glide-symmetric lenses of SyMat participants won the best paper award in the category “Electromagnetics” at EuCAP 2020:
‘Elliptical Glide-Symmetric Holey Metasurfaces for Wideband Anisotropy’, A. Alex-Amor (Technical University of Madrid, Spain), F. Ghasemifard (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), G. Valerio (Sorbonne Universite, France), Pablo Padilla (Technical University of Madrid, Spain), J. M. Fernandez-Gonzalez (Technical University of Madrid, Spain), O. Quevedo-Teruel (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), in Proc. EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Danmark, 15-20 March 2020.